I started on the trail of Mae Beattie’s birth record today. I want to prove my research question. Who were the parents of Mary (Mae) Cameron Beattie, who married Thomas Laidlaw on 3rd November 1922 in Glasgow? The initial records kicking off this research are still on my desk. At a…
I’ve been raised on Rabbie Burns poetry, bagpipes, kilts, Hogmanay, Irn-Bru and Celtic superstitions. Never leave by a door you didn’t come in by. Ye canna sit at a corner of a table. Bouquets are never made up of red and white flowers. This last one has caused…
My sister and nephew were recently visiting from Oxford. Not the one in Granville County, North Carolina. THE Oxford, as in England. When they visit we try to always do something new and outside our comfort level. Last year we zip-lined. Yes, even me with my fear of heights. That…
Every story has a beginning and every journey has a first step. But right before that there is a pivotal moment. Breath is exhaled and destinies defined. That moment of breath is part of my story. It is also part of my journey into knowing from whence I came. It…

Welcome! You have found your way to “Talking Stones and Genealogical Ramblings,” the blog of Beneath the Cairn. Here you will find a little bit of this and a little bit of that. From genealogy technique tips to sharing results of family research. This is a place of honest sharing without…