Grandson of the Coppersmith

Welcome to the family Today I had an email from Robert Alexander “Sandy” Sinclair. He is my second cousin once removed. Our shared ancestors are Robert Sinclair and Janet Sinclair, who married 3 October 1888 in Dunoon, Scotland. Generally speaking, it is a small club of descendants. Of the couple’s four…


Meeting the GPS and the Power of Threes

My sister and nephew were recently visiting from Oxford. Not the one in Granville County, North Carolina. THE Oxford, as in England. When they visit we try to always do something new and outside our comfort level. Last year we zip-lined. Yes, even me with my fear of heights. That…


Poem – Argyll

  Argyll Anonymous   Why blame you, Argyll, for its rain or its mist, When the “Goddess of Beauty” each acre has kissed. Why frown, when its pathways are not of the best? When all else around your heart be at rest, Where else – may I ask – is there…
