Repository: William Madison Randall Library


Repository Visit – part one I am a recent North Carolinian. Just shy of two years ago I relocated to Wilmington, a historic port city.  I am still learning to navigate myself to the grocery store, let alone the library. There are numerous fine repositories and libraries, both local and…


McGuire Method – innovative organization.

mcguire chart

Simplified Visualization of DNA Data Just about a year ago at the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Records (IGHR) Blaine Bettinger had a student in class who had developed a simple visualization chart to keep herself organized.  This student was Lauren McGuire. The chart is ingenious within its own simplicity…


Genetic Genealogy Convert – True Confession

Genetic Genealogy Holdout I am a pretty good time keeper.  In fact, I pride myself on being timely. I would even say I am usually ahead of schedule. However, when it comes to genetic genealogy, I confess I am fashionably late to the party. In 2002 I tested my father…


Happy 4th of July America!

Flag in cemetery

Good morning America, how are you? I was in Pittsburgh all last week attending an intensive session at the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP). After spending a week totally engrossed in documentation with Dr. Thomas W. Jones, I needed a few days to recuperate. So with the other half…


Genealogy Blog-‘Ceud Mìle Fàilte`

lecainn walk to auchindrain

Welcome! You have found your way to “Talking Stones and Genealogical Ramblings,” the blog of Beneath the Cairn. Here you will find a little bit of this and a little bit of that. From genealogy technique tips to sharing results of family research. This is a place of honest sharing without…
